When Kunal Kamra was unheard of , fat , unfunny and would harass female stand up comics by making fake twitter accounts

3 min readJan 29, 2020


I decided to write this blog after reading the news about Kunal Kamra harassing Arnab Goswami on flight . I had been wanting to write this for long .

I used to be very active in stand up comedy , right from 2011 . Because of my hectic corporate work schedule , (and the sexist , predatory nature of most male stand up comics), I did not pursue it full time.

Once I had gone to Mumbai for some work so decided to do a small bit at Canvas Laugh club . It was 2016 (Sep or october ). It was there that i saw Kunal Kamra for the first time . I had never heard of him before . While 4 of (3 male stand up comics and me ) in the green room , I pretended to listen to music to avoid conversation with the male stand up comics . Kunal Kamra started talking about this weight loss process and how he would make fake twitter account to harassfemale stand up comics to the other 2 male stand up comics . He explicitly mentioned how he and Utsav Chakroborty would make fake twitter accounts and harass female stand up comics regularly , many times even of ones they were performing with . He joked how he had mocked a gay female stand up comic about her sexuality. I was disgusted and wanted to leave but pretended that I did not hear anything .

After my performance , I did not even wait to hang out with the performers (which generally happens) and left straight away .

This is the reality of this so-called stand up comic. Before he became famous bashing Modi , he was an unheard , unfunny , wannabee . Ask yourself , apart from bashing Modi , does he have ANY content ?

To also bring to your notice is that I was verbally harassed and cat-called by Utsav Chakroborty and Sapan Varma in 2011. I had gone to audition for a TV show and these (then unheard , unknown entities) had walked in . I had been harassed by Utsav Chakroborty on Twitter prior to that where he had called my mother a prostitute . On recognizing me, they both started cat-calling and harassing me . I was so shocked and angry that I walked out of the room and only returned when they both had left. Mr. Sapan Varma denies these allegations, but I say it again that it is all true.

So please be careful whom you trust , listen to or take for an idol.

I stand by every word I have written and if Mr. Kamra and Sapan Varma wishes to take me to court over defamation , I would gladly fight them .

