I am a woman, and I totally stand by what Tejasvi Surya quoted from Tarek Fatah

24 min readApr 21, 2020


I am a woman, and I totally stand by what Tejasvi Surya quoted from Tarek Fatah

Hi All , I saw the twitter storm that was cooked up over an old tweet of Tejasvi Surya , where he was quoting a sentence from Tarek Fatah. I am a woman and I stand by his tweet and support it .

Sex , as we know is a private act of love and passion between two consenting adults . It is a natural reaction to attraction , love driven by hormonal changes between two adults who wish to take love from an emotion to a passionate level , in a physical manner . There is a reason it is an act love and passion as it is driven by changes in hormones which make us find some people attractive , some people that we wish to have sexual intercourse with , and not all .

Excretion of Testerones in men and Estrogen in females is what makes feel attracted towards some people and make us want to have sex with them , gender neutral that is.

Ejaculation of sperm in men and liquids in women in the climax of that act of passion, commonly called “having an orgasm” , natural end of the act of love making . When the sex is bad , many men and women either have no orgasm or fake it . For men , simple ejaculation of sperm may not mean orgasm , something which can be reached anyways . Orgasm is a pleasurable emotions , having been satisfied with the love making process AND ejaculating in the end .

Also , you cannot have an orgasm if sex is being forced. That is why women who are raped, rarely have an orgasm. They may ejaculate as a normal bodily reaction to the process of penetration, but that is not the pleasurable ejaculation, a.k.a sex that we talk about. There have been cases where women have are branded liars in court when they did excrete liquids during rape , where prosecutors say that since she had an orgasm, it was not forced . Simple secretion fo liquids , after penetration is not orgasm.

Men and women are known to have excretion semen and liquid during other activities such as workout, riding , biking , sneezing, childbirth as well.

The above-mentioned activities may not be termed as an orgasm but, excretion due to hormonal stimulus . Orgasms, are the utter pleasure , culmination of sexual intercourse in humans .

Sexual intercourse in humans is not a mechanical act like we see in mammals or animals. The mates does not get into passionate foreplay to pleasure their partner. The act is rather crude where the male just need to release their testosterone build up and ejaculate . It can be best termed as MATING .

I have had my set of relationships where the partner did not satisfy me , was terrible in lovemaking or a selfish pig who would only care about his ejaculation without letting me finish first. Men can control their ejaculation, while women can’t. So it is the duty of the man who ensures that his woman ejaculates first (i.e. has an orgasm) and then finishes his ejaculation (i.e. orgasm) . These selfish men can be found all over the world . They just use a woman’s body to fulfill their bodily pleasure, while not caring about the pleasure of a woman, which is her right. I personally know so many women, all across the world who are in sexually unsatisfying relationships /marriages. This sexist attitude of men not caring about women have a pleasurable orgasm at the end of lovemaking is another form of violence against women , (sexual) psychological violence . Many husbands use their women just to fulfill their bodily pleasure , ejaculate to have a child. i.e. they use women are birthing machine , which is the only aim of having sex and ejaculating , a natural IVF process . A process where the objective is to insert semen into a woman’s busy and get her pregnant , which involved ZERO care for her emotions , her pleasure .

Let me give you another comparison . We all eat to satisfy our hunger . It is a want and need , just like sex. But we cook our food with care , to suit our taste buds, the dishes we like. Layout a table , platter , plates , wine , entres , main dish , dessert and eat with our loved one. We start with appetizers , have chosen drink ,wine and choose the main dishes one after the other . We switch between foods, drinks and later dessert . That is how most of us eat . The process of eating is that all the food we intake goes and mixes inside our stomachs. If that is the need then why do we go through the process of cooking dishes, laying out plates , eating in a manner , sipping drinks in the middle ? We can simply make a shake out of all the dishes/drinks and drink it or force it inside our thorax ? It will eventually reach the stomach where it is supposed to right ? Sounds gross , forced and violent right ?

There have been many instances in the past where people refuse to eat and police have to force feed them .

That is the difference between a sexual intercourse that end with orgasm and ejaculation by a man to fulfill his sexual urge AND/OR to get a child.

The end result is the same in both eating and sex, but it is the process that makes the difference.One gives us pleasure while the other is a crude , forced form which can be best termed as violence .

In a physical beating , the women is left hurt , physically by a man .

In verbally abusive relationship , a woman is left hurt , verbally and phsychologically by a man .

In a financially abusive relationship ,the man control the purse and /or denies financial freedom or money to a woman, leaving the women hurt financially and psychologically.

And in cases where men just use body of a woman who fulfill their sexual pleasure and not care about their wives having a fulfilling orgasm , is (sexual) psychological abuse .

So when you make a statement like Xyz women are not known to have an orgasm , you are making an analogy to the fact that in these scenarios men just use a woman’s body to fulfill their own physical pleasure and/or to get the woman pregnant , a.k.a MATING . MATING is not sex . MATING is abuse . MATING is what animals do .

Why is it that the same act , or male organ penetration inside a woman’s vulva , termed rape when forced , but considered love making when done with consent ? Because , when it is forced , it leaves you psychologically damaged . The same loving husband who made passionate love to you can be booked for rape if he forced it upon you .Marital rape is a crime.

I know many marriages that have ended because of absence of sex . People cheating in relationships . I have ended relationship when I was not happy with the sex life . Not having an active AND satisfying sex life can be seriously psychologically damaging, especially in a marriage.

It is now becoming common all across the world , except in countries where women have little right in divorce. Sexual incompatibility , denial of sex and absence fo sex is gound of initiating and getting a divorce .

Let’s talk about Arab world. Women have little say in the choice of the man they wish to marry. A man , can get 4 wives legally and have various options for sex. He can deny his wife sex and can force himself upon her and no action will be taken on the man . Do women in Arab countries have an easy way out of marriage ? NO . Do women in Arab countries get easy divorce ,alimony ? NO . The rich and entitled yes , but for the most women, NO . Even in relationships , women are exploited . Because women cannot openly be in sexual relationship or a relationship , they are exploited , blackmailed by their partners . They cannot even take legal action as they will be the ones put in jail.

They live in forced , abusive marriages and are most of the times used as birthing machines via natural IVF , mating , a man ejaculating to fulfill his sexual pleasure AND/OR for making a woman pregnant /getting a child .

So when Tejasvi quoted that statement , which was originally made in a report by Tarek Fatah , he wanted to emphasize about the oppression and abuse of women in Arab world , where they live like second class citizens , denied same rights as men , used as birthing machines. So when he quoted that statement of Tarek Fatah , that most Arab women have not had an orgams, he wanted to emphasize that women Arab women are treated poorly , exploited in abusive marriages /relationships.

This is called an ANALOGY .

Just like we use analogy ALL the time.

Don’t we all use the term FOOD PORN all the time ? Does that mean we get sexually attracted to food and want to have sex with a butter chicken or shwarma ? NO .

Food porn is a glamourized visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, blogs[1] cooking shows or other visual media.[2] Its origins come from a restaurant review e-commerce platform called Foodporn. Food porn often takes the form of food photography with styling that presents food provocatively, in a similar way to glamour photography or pornographic photography. “

When we say FOOD PORN , we mean to say that we are extremely excited about certain dishes , their appearance, their taste , which excites us , makes us attracted to that dish , make us want to try that food item .

When we have a great meal , we say , “Oh dear , we are in food Coma “ . Does that mean we are brain dead , medically after eating . NO . It means that our senses have been overtaken by the delicious food that we have just had and we can’t think or anything else to do anything due to the overpowering great taste of the food we just had.

It is called an ANALOGY .

My brother is a big gaming fan. Everytime I buy him a new game , I write “New Porn for you” . Does that mean I am gifting him sexually arousing visuals ? NO . It mean I am gifting him something which will make him very excited just like Pormn does to most men . It’s an ANALOGY .

Let us not pretend that Arab women are not suppressed.

Firstly , they are forced into a Burqa, Hijab . YES as a woman I will say it out loud, NO GARMENT should be forced on a woman . Women in Iran are jailed for removing their Head Scarf . I have seen videos of men and women beating up women who remove head scarf in Iran . Women sent to prison for dancing or being seen with men . Is that not oppression of women ?Is that not treating women like second class citizens ? https://nypost.com/2020/02/01/how-irans-women-are-using-their-hijabs-to-fight-the-regime/

In Saudi , till few years ago women could not drive . Needed permission from a man to work , could not travel alone . Why are so many women running away from Saudi and taking asylum in Australia and Canada .

The recent case of Rahaf Mohammed , who locked herself in Thailand begged UN to rescue her and then was taken to Canada .


Ditto for UAE

Why did the wife of Emir of Dubai run away to London to fight her divorce , and not fight it in Dubai . The wife of one of the richest and most powerful men of Gulf faced death threats . Now , can you imagine the level of oppression faced by an ordinary woman trying to flee an abusive marriage ?


Not so long back , a Dubai Princess had tried to escape and she was caught by Indian Navy and handed back to UAE.

Why do wives and daughter of the rich and powerful rulers of Dubai flee for their life ?

It was only recently that women were allowed to drive and vote in Saudi Arabia . Women can’t become a judge in Iran .

In most Arabic countries, women need to have 4 male eyewitnesses to prove that she was raped. Isn’t that a second class like ctitizenship and opression as per law of the country?

This is the same in ALL Arab countries. ALL of them.

Can a woman become a Prime Minister , President, Ruler, Emir in any Middle East country ? Women inherit half of their father’s wealth .

So many Arabic women are calling this quote sexist . They are outraging against it . Dear sisters have you ever outraged over the fact that women can never head a state in most Arabic world ? Or , let me be blunt , can any woman DARE to outrage over this second class treatment . Oh no . you will be put in prison , persecuted and never to be found again .

In China , Muslims women are being forced to have sex with non Muslims Chinese men after their husbands have been detained in prisons. DID WE HEAR A SINGLE TWEET/OUTRAGE from ANY ARABIC PERSON ? MAN or WOMAN ? NO .

Outrage over the TWEET of Tejasvi Surya , which is a fact , only after you have outraged over the facts that :

  1. Women cannot become heads of state,
  2. Women can walk without headscarf ,
  3. Women can dance in public ,
  4. Women can travel alone without need for permission from their male guardian ,
  5. Women can indulge in pre marital sex ,
  6. Women can choose to wear what they want ,
  7. Women can choose to end their marriages over the absence of sexual relationship or stop their man from taking in another wife .

Because if I see Arab women outrage over a tweet, which in fact states fact, and not outraging over burning and more pressing issues of human rights violation , then sorry sisters , you are a CHEAP HYPOCRITE .

Ever saw ANY MUSLISM woman outrage over the forceful kidnap, rape , conversion and marriage of underage Hindu and Christians girls in Pakistan to much older , already married Muslims men ?

What happens to feminism them ? NO SPINE or just plain HYPOCRITE ?

Women are treated like second class citizens . Opressed , suppressed . The have no voice . A man could get bored with his wife/wives , take in a new one , abandon his previous wives without any legal repercussions.

I am not saying that oppression and abuse of women does not happen in other countries . It happens world over . BUT in most other countries the law does not differentiate between a woman and a man . Legally women are not discriminated against in the eyes of law, unlike Arab countries where they are discriminated against and supressed by LAW.

Now coming back to the oppression of Muslims in India . Sorry to burst your delusion but it is the cheap lie which has been propogated by Pakistan , China . Oh yes , it is China that is threatened by a rising India and has been funding anti India narrative by paying Journalists, News agencies, academicians etc.

Muslims in India live like entitled , pampered lot. Their population growth has been double of that of Hindus since 1947. in 1947 there were 8% Muslims. in 2020 there are 16% , while Hindu population % declined from 86% to 80% .

Muslims in India , even though India has the second largest Muslim population on the planet and with a population of 20 crore , are larger than most European countries , get MINORITY status. They get a reservation in colleges , they get money . Hajj was subsidized. Muslims can form a trust and start a college , school especially for Muslims.

Now show me 1 Islamic country or ANY country where non-natives get such royal, pampered treatment.

A Muslims in India can sit in dharna (sit in protest ) and do violence and kill people (As we saw in Muslim initiated Delhi riots of 2020 ) . Can a Hindu do that in ANY Muslim country ? NO

A Muslim in India can build mosques , take our Muharram procession, Shab e baraat . Can a Hindu build a temple, take out procession in ANY Arabic country ? Can hindus step up pandals during Dussehra in any Arabic country ? NO

Muslim openly mock Hindu deities and tradition , even though 99% of them are descendants of Hindus who converted (ditto for Pakistanis Muslims) . Can a Hindu do that in any Islamic country ? NO .

As we have seen in recent China Virus Outbreak , Muslims gathered in LAREG numbers for Tabhleeegi Jammat , even after lockdown was announced . Refused to get tested , hid and switched off their phones. When doctors and police went to test and quarantine then , they threw rocks and stones at Doctors and cops and attacked them. Can a Hindu do that in Arabic country ? NO

Muslims can wear their skull cap , tabeez and roam around openly in India . Can a Hindu wear tilak and OM locket and roam around . NO

Can a Hindu celebrate Diwali , Holi in any Arabic country openly (UAE being an exception , that too because of LARGE workforce) NO .

Hindus are repeatedly killed by Muslims in India . Can a Hindu kill Muslims in Arabic world and openly talk about it . NO .

So where is the oppression . The oppression I see if of Hindus in Arabic World.

Let me talk about non existent HUMAN RIGHTS in ARAB world.

  1. You say Muslims are pressed in India , well if India were fascist and did press Muslim, trust me they would not be able to talk about it and live to repeat that live . In a fascist government , anyone who speaks against the government does not live to tell the tale. Jamal Khashogg ? Rings a bell ? Something that happens in ARAB WORLD .4
  2. If India did oppress and discriminate against Muslims , WHY and HOW will most of our Bollywood stars be Muslims ? Can you show me so many NON Muslims stars , celebs in any Islamic country ?
  3. APOSTASY is crime in ARAB world. How inhuman to force a religion on a human. If a msulims wants to leave Islam , become an atheist or covert to another religion , can he /she do it ? NO . In most countries , they would be killed by LAW. Where is the human rights of atheists in ARAB WORLD ?
  4. LGTB Right : Do LGTB have ANY rights in Arab world ? Oh no , they are supposed to be killed .
  5. Pre marital sex : Is premarital sex allowed ? NO . Its 2020 . Wake up .
  6. Idol Worship is banned in Islam. Muslims openly call it a sin . Ever cared about sentiments of other religious people living in your counties who do believe in idol worship? Even the new temple coming up in UAE will have no IDOL as per Islamic laws. (The single old one exists as it was constructed LONG back ) . Does India impose ANY such restriction for ANY religion . NO . Playing AZAAN on loudspeaker is banned BY LAW in India. Still, so many mosques defy that. Yes we have a right to protest and get the people arrested. In Arabic world , Weekly offs are on Fridays . Last I checked reading namaz on roads was a crime . But in India Muslims openly read namaz on roads, blocking traffic .

Criticizing a religion is not blasphemy. I am a Hindu and I openly criticize dowry and untouchability.

Many are asking for Sonu Nigam to be arrested in Dubai as he had complained about Azaan being broadcast from loudspeakers , early in the morning . In India , as power law , broadcasting os Azaan is banned. It is an offence. So when an someone in India , raises an issue about a violation of law ,in India , why should that person get arrested in Dubai for it ? Reading Namaz on roads is banned in most Arabic countries .So by same logic, all Muslims who read namaz on streets in India , be arrested in every Arabic countries . Drinking alcohol , smoking for Muslims people is banned in All Arabic countries . So by the same logic , All Muslims from other countries , specially India , who have had alcohol or smoked ever should be arrested in Dubai .I know SO MANY Indian Muslims who not only drink , smoke in India but also in UAE .Pre marital sex is banned in all Arabic countries. So all people who had premarital sex in their countries , who are now in UAE be arrested ? NO .

Muslims in India always play victim and blame RSS/BJP/Modi . Muslims in India scream fascism when government decides to ban immoral practices like Triple Talaq and Halala (which are gross violation of human rights ) and are also banned in many Islamic countries . Muslims say it is written in Quran. So why don’t Muslims also follow rest of the Quran ? Chop hands off for stealing , lashes for lying , pre marital , extra marital sex , mandatory zakat ? I know so many Muslims in India who drink , smoke , indulge in pre marital sex , pay no charity . What happens to a good Muslims then. Why don’t Arab Muslims tell Indian Muslims to follow all tenets of Quran ? As per Islam , women ar mandated to wear a Hijab , do likes or Rana Ayyub , Arfa Khanum , Saba Naqvi wear Hijab ? India has a constitution and we will follow that . If your religious beliefs fit in , great , if they don’t , then sorry we can change that . Let us have a law that bans all Muslims from smoking , drinking , extra marital , pre marital sex . So many msulims from Iran , Bangladesh , Afghanistan and other Islamic countries study here , let us apply laws of their country here ? If a man or woman from Dubai, Iran are found drinking , smoking , indulging in pre marital sex , then let’s apply Sharia law on them ?

Law applies to law of the land . Jurisdiction is centralized to act committed in the land . So Sonu Nigam has made no mistake in highlighting a crime being committed in India .

And dear ARABIC Muslims, so pained by the nonexistent oppression fo India Muslims , let me expose your HYPOCRICY and LACK OF SPINE .

  1. The worst oppression fo Muslims as of today is happening in China , where Muslims have been put in concentration camps , forced to leave their religion , force fed pork , burqas removed , beards cut . They are beaten up , starved and organs are being harvested . HAS ANY MUSLIM on this planet spoken up for the actual GENOCIDE that si happenning in China. NO ONE. Not in India , Not in Pakistan. Not in Saudi Arabia (MBS actually said he will not interfere ). Not in Qatar . Not in Kuwait . Not in Bahrain , Not in Iran, Not in Iran , Not in UAE , Syria, Yemen , Jordan , Lebanon , Malaysia , Indonesia . NOT A SINGLE COUNTY ? WHY NOT ? No b@lls to take on China ? But then let’s talk about India because you see they don't f@ck us China . For all the fear enticing terrorist organizations like Al Qaida , Lashkar e taiba, Hezbollah, Hamas and thousands others , not one has the courage to CARE to take up the cause of Muslims genocide in China. Last I checked Israel was not killing Muslims in a China like Genocide
  1. Rohingyas were massacred and expelled out of Myanmar . They have been living as homeless and stateless refugees in Bangladesh and India . Bangladesh has decided to kick them back , and India will do the same. Why has no MUSLIM country come to the rescue of these helpless Rohingyas. If Saudi , Qatar , UAE , Abhrain have SO MANY jobs that they need Indians to help them , then why NOT give priority to these Stateless Rohingyas who need these jobs and citizenship ?Why is an Islamic Country like Bangladesh kicking Rohingyas out ?Why did Islamic countries Malaysia and Saudi Arabia did not let Rohingyas land in their waters and take shelter ? Where is the care or Muslim Rohingyas , their oppression and collective unity of Islamic countries to help them ? Oh wait no b@lls , spine or care .
  2. Millions of war refugees from Syria , Yemen , Gabon , Somalia and other Islamic countries desperately try illegally to get into Europe . Why not help those Muslims refugees or give priority to them in giving jobs ? Give them citizenship . Israel gives citizenship to Jews , Christian countries give citizenship to Christians, Buddhist countries give citizenship to Buddhist, India gives citizenship to Hindus, so who don’t Islamic countries give citizenship to Muslims who are pressed in other countries? NO LOVE FOR FELLOW MUSLIMS.
  3. So many Bangladeshis come to India for jobs (illegally). Why NOT give preferential jobs to these Muslim Bangladeshis in Arab world .
  4. We always see Muslims fleeing their countries and trying to get to Europe. Minorities in Muslims world want to flee and seek asylum in other countries, Women fleeing Arabic countries. Show me ONE case where a msulism from India has applied for asylum to ANY country , leave alone an Arabic one ? SHOW ME ONE CASE .
  5. Indian who work in Arab countries work legally. They apply for visa, go there legally, work , live and come back, They contribute to your economy , pay taxes via things they buy . They are not there illegally running a cartel . They are treated very badly , treated like second class citizens . Not allowed to worship their gods , wear religious attire , or build temple. When have you ever heard of Hindus rioting and killing people in Gulf ?
  6. Sunnis are being targetted, killed in Iran . Sunni mosques being bombed. Did we hear any ARAB activist take that up ? MO
  7. Shias are killed in Sunni countries , Did we see any SHIA Arab take that up . NO
  8. China is destroying every mosque openly . ANY REACTION FROM ANY MUSLIM ON THE PLANET . NO . WHY NOT ?
  9. Ever heard fo ANY Muslim , any where in the world against China ? NO .
  10. Muslims are spitting on vegetables , fruits to sell it to Kaffirs (i.e. Hindus ) so that they get affected by Corona Virus and die . Why would anyone sensible person buy ANYTHING from such a community . Will any Arab buy anything from Indian Msulims if you see multiple videos every day of Muslims in India spitting, urinating on vegetables , fruits ? Has there been any video of a Xtian , Jew , Parsee, Sikh, Jain person doing that ? Or throwing rocks and stones on doctors and cops who go to test them and isolate them? If you behave like this , any sensible person would avoid you or anything that you sell .

In the end I would just like to tell you things very loud and clear . Dear people from ARABIC WORLD. We hindus are very peaceful , educated and hard working people. Yes we go to gulf countries to work , just like we got US , UK , Singapore , Canada , Australia. Given the fact that we are the second most populous country on the planet, we will be one of the largest communities of ex-pats in most countries. We go to all countries legally , vial legal channel , contribute to taxes and do little crime.

DO NOT GET BRAINWASHED by these Indian Muslims, most of whom love to play the victim just to gain attention and get special treatment. They are dragging you into a false narrative , DO NOT FALL for their lies.

For those who wish to know about CAA dn NRC of India , may read here :


Modi-BJP-RSS — Nazi ? Fascism

I keep hearing people call Modi Ji , BJP , RSS as Nazis, who follow fascism.

Fascism was about race superiority . Where WHITE , BLONDE, CATHOLIC Christian GERMANS considered themselves the most superior race and wanted to eliminate anyone who was not them.

They hated anyone who was not them, Jews, Arficans, Romaninan Gypsies , Indians, Chinese . They even did not like or approve of fellow Christians or allow other sects like Protestant , Jehova’s witness etc.

Nazi ideology was to hate EVERYONE which was not them, hate them , try and eliminate them .

Fascism was about dictatorship like control. Total Authoritarian iron fist rule of the leadership. Under a fascist rule , citizens have NO voice . They cannot oppose anything , If you dare oppose anything or say ANYTHING against the government , you are imprisoned, you die and your family never hears from you again . Your family also bears the repercussions of the defiance.

Media is state controlled propogating state driven agenda. News reporting is biased ant pro government .

Now let’s come to India , specially under Modi , BJP.

  • Can you speak against the government? YES
  • Can you hold rallies , protest ? YES
  • Are people who speak against Modi ,BJP , silences and incarcerated? NO
  • Is majority Media Pro Modi , BJP ? NO
  • Is action taken against anyone for criticizing Modi, BJP. NO


Fascist government are in North Korea, China , Iran , Brunei where media is state controlled. Social media(like Facebook, Twitter , Youtube — basically anything that can expose truth and lies) is banned. A word against the government can get you kidnapped and killed.

But in India I have seen people call Modi , BJP fascist for decades, spin lies, but nothing happens to them ever.

Is this even close to fascism? ABSOLUTELY NO .

Nazis , as stated earlier hated everyone . Do Hindus hate Jews, Tibetean Buddhist , Bahai , Sikhs or even Christians ? Ever heard of Hindu- Jews , Hindu-Tibetan Buddhist , Hindu — bahai-Hindu-Christian riots ? NEVER . If Hindus are like Nazis and RSS follows Nazi idology then why don’t they hate other religions and try and kill them or supress them ? Why this selective tension ONLY with Muslims . If Hindus are so intolerant of other religion then why don’t we ever hear of Hindus creating problems in ANY other countries ? Hindus live in USA, UK, Singapore, Malaysia , Australia, germany , Myanmar , Europe . EVER heard of any hindu riots with anyone ? For those who keep calling Hindus /RSS terrorists and fascist , please name me one act of terrorism done by Hindus/RSS ? Any incident is always and ONLY with Muslims in India.

Why do Hindus, Christians, Buddhist , Bahai , Shinto , Sikh live in peace and harmony all over the world but Muslims have a problems with EVERY (majority) religion in non Islamic country . In Middle Eats Muslims have a problem with Jews (which is a global hatred by Muslims) . In India Muslims have a problem with Buddhist . In Australia with Christians . In Europe with Christians , in Sri Lanka with Buddhist . In Thailand with Buddhist ? WHY ? And according to Muslims in eery non Muslim country Muslims are being killed and persecuted . Strangely all these countries have no issues with ANY other religion includingHindus .

And in Islamic countries the ALL minorities are supressed including the non majority Islamic sect . STRANGE .

We all know the truth , who is fascist , who is spreading hate , who is the terrorist but no one has the ocurage to call it out for POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Let’s stop pretending. I know your EGO does not permit you to speak the truth or accept realities.

Think of all this next time your call Modi ji , BJP, RSS Sanghi or fascist. Because if they indeed were fascist then you would not be alive to call them so .

Parting words :

Yes Islamophobia exists , world over. ever wondered why hinduphobia, buddhistphobia, parseephobia,jainphobia, shintophobia,sikhphobia, christianphobia does not exist ? Why do all other religions live in peace and harmony while muslims have a problem with everyone in every country and natives in every country have a problem with them?Why is it that Hindus, Jews , Sikhs , Xtians , Parsees, Buddhists all live in peace and harmony in India while Muslims have an issue .

Why don’t Hindus, Jews , Sikhs , Xtians , Parsees, Buddhists have any problem with each other ? No riots , no fights ?

Show me one non-Islamic country , where Muslims are present and there is no problem with the majority natives ?

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Written by BihariBhagwati

Just an Indian interested in truth .

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